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Innovative educational programs for lifelong learning.

Medical Students

As medical imaging has become more central to the practice of medicine, it has become increasingly important for medical students to be familiar with the basic principles of radiology, the different imaging modalities available and how they can be best utilized, as well as the role imaging holds in the current medical system.

About Med Student Training


Our department has residencies in both Diagnostic Radiology and the Interventional Radiology, with options for Integrated IR or Independent IR.

About Residencies


There are 10 fellowship opportunities designed for individuals looking to explore a subspecialty of our field. Explore our fellowship list to find out more about these educational, research and clinical opportunities.

About Fellowships

Continuing Medical Education

To support continuous learning, we offer a number of innovative CME courses and other educational programs designed for practicing physicians, technologists and other radiology professionals near and far.

About Continuing Medical Education

Radiology Technician Training

Radiology technician training opportunities are offered through Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s accredited clinical schools.
About Technician Training

T32 Training Program in MRI

This NIH-sponsored graduate training opportunity gives biomedical engineering students to explore the research and clinical aspects of MRI in a fully-funded program.
About T32 Training
Two technicians use a scanner, one points at an attached screen

Medical Imaging Science Training Program

Graduate students interested in pursuing careers in medical imaging can gain expertise from across disciplines in this unique training program.

About the Training Program

Commitment to Health Equity

Our vision is to make Northwestern, our communities, all communities, our lives and the world a better place — with everyone having the chance and responsibility for reaching their own pinnacle of health. 

Visit the Office of Health Equity Website 


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