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Advanced Body Imaging

Led by a team of recognized experts in diagnostic imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, our research team works to improve imaging techniques in abdominal and pelvic CT and MR, ultrasound and fluroroscopy in order to understand and treat abdominal, pelvic, GI and GU disease.

 Ulas Bagci, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology (Basic and Translational Radiology Research)


Dr. Ulas Bagci is an Associate Professor (with tenure) at Northwestern University's Radiology and Biomedical Engineering Department at Chicago, and courtesy professor at ECE, Northwestern University, Evanston. Dr Bagci is the director of the Machine & Hybrid Intelligence Lab. His research interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and their applications in biomedical and clinical imaging. Dr. Ulas Bagci has more than 280 peer-reviewed articles on these topics. He is a member of Lurie Cancer Center, and principal investigator for multiple NIH grants.
For further details on Machine and Hybrid Intelligence Lab, visit
For more information on my research, please view my Feinberg School of Medicine faculty profile.


Profile, Grants, & Publications

View my profile, grants, & publications on Northwestern Scholars.

 Zhitao Li, PhD

 Dr. Zhitao Li, PhD

Research Assistant Professor of Radiology


Areas of research:

Bones, Cartilage, Joints, Muscles
Brain and Nervous System
Cardiovascular Imaging
Carotid Disease
Liver Disease / Pathobiology
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Quantitative MRI
Translational Research

For more information on my research, please view my Feinberg School of Medicine faculty profile.

Profile, Grants, & Publications

View my profile, grants, & publications on Northwestern Scholars.

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